Film/Media services

Selecting the perfect site, location or venue is critical to the successful filming of every movie, commercial and TV show production. The task of finding a site or venue can be a daunting. At Valencia Travel Village, we can meet and exceed all of your needs. Here are a few things to consider when selecting our location for your production. We are close to Los Angeles and all the major studios. Our facility can accommodate craft services, trailers and large vehicles.

At Valencia Travel Village we rent our RV park, storage, and surrounding areas for a multitude of services including, but not limited to: movie production sites, filming locations for commercials and TV shows. You can reserve the fields for training seminars, media service and charity events. In addition, we have a large enclosed storage facility for commercial parking daily, overnight, and long term. We also have an off site storage facility VTV Storage .

We have worked with several well known companies and media franchises such as


NCIS (CBS Television Series Filming & Productions)

NCIS visits Valencia Travel Village

On 11/10/2014 NCIS and the show shot a scene for half a day at our “K” Area Circle Section on the West End of the resort. In total, the crew consisted of over 50 people (not including the actors) and over 11 trucks full of filming equipment and lift machines. The crew took over a majority of the sites in that area and we easily served their parking needs in the back near the baseball fields while the filming took place, so as not to disturb guests around the perimeter of the filming. Valencia Travel Village is proud to have worked with NCIS and we look forward to serve as a desired filming location in the future.


  • Audi (Commercial Filming) – Presented on Channels: ESPN, ABC, more.
  • Dexter (Showtime Series Filming),
  • Reality TV Show Episode Filming (Spike TV)
  • Disney Productions – Parking for Set Filming

Valencia Travel Village offers fully functional RV park for rental use, we also offer other rental services not limited to RV’s.

  • Store
  • Showers
  • Pools

VTV Storage offers:

Security Camera
Large open spaces
24/7 Security monitoring

If you are interested in using our resort area for filming locations, please contact our organization:

Christopher Young
Office Manager
Valencia Travel Village LLC.
27946 Henry Mayo Dr.
Castaic, Ca 91384

Open All Year !


Open All Year 661-257-3333